Vertiseit year-end report January-December 2021


At the end of the period, Vertiseit's Annual Recurring SaaS Revenues (ARR) amounted to SEK 73 million, an increase of 122 percent compared with the previous year. Sequential growth amounted to 11 percent compared with the previous quarter. At the company's Capital Market’s Day in October, the Group's new strategy for global growth was presented together with new long-term and financial goals. After the end of the period, Vertiseit has announced a public offer to the shareholders of MultiQ International AB.


  • Recurring Revenues (SaaS) increased by SEK 11.8 million to SEK 19.8 million (8.1) compared with the corresponding period previous year
  • At the end of the period, ARR amounted to SEK 73.3 million (33.0), an increase of 122.2 percent
  • ARR grew sequentially by 11.1 percent (3.8) compared with the previous quarter
  • Adjusted for acquisitions, ARR increased organically by 20.0 percent compared with the corresponding period previous year
  • Net sales increased by 135.8 percent to SEK 45.8 million (19.4)
  • Profit before depreciation (EBITDA) amounted to SEK 8.5 million (2.1), and the EBITDA margin amounted to 18.5 percent (10.3)
  • Profit for the period amounted to SEK 0.9 million (0.2)
  • Earnings per share before and after dilution amounted to SEK 0.11 and SEK 0.10 (0.11 and 0.11, respectively)


  • Recurring Revenues (SaaS) increased by SEK 29.2 million to SEK 60.5 million (31.3)
  • Net sales increased by 70.3 percent to SEK 130.6 million (76.7)
  • Profit before depreciation (EBITDA) amounted to SEK 17.1 million (11.9), and the EBITDA margin to 13.1 percent (15.5)
  • Profit after tax amounted to SEK 2.5 million (4.7)
  • Earnings per share before and after dilution amounted to SEK 0.29 and SEK 0.26 (0.34 and 0.32, respectively)
  • The Board’s proposal to the 2022 Annual General Meeting is that no dividend be paid to the shareholders for the financial year 2021, in line with the company’s financial targets


After the end of the fourth quarter 2021, we’ve had 40 successful quarters with sequential growth of our Annual Recurring SaaS Revenues. We also kicked-off 2022 with a public offer to the shareholders in MultiQ – a big step in executing our new growth strategy and in line with our long-term goals. At the end of the year, our ARR amounted to SEK 73 million and MultiQ is expected to add additional Recurring Revenues of approximately SEK 50 million in strategically important customer segments upon completion of the acquisition,” says Johan Lind, CEO of Vertiseit.


  • On October 5, Vertiseit announced, at the company’s Capital Market’s Day, a new strategy for international growth and new long-term and financial goals
  • On October 21, Vertiseit’s Extraordinary General Meeting resolved, among other things, on a directed share issue to institutional and professional investors, which will provide the company with SEK 100 million before issues costs
  • On November 17, Vertiseit’s subsidiary Grassfish announced a signed partner agreement with the retail experience agency Liganova
  • On January 10, Vertiseit submitted a public offer to the shareholders of MultiQ International AB. Following the announcement of the offer, as of February 10, 2022, Vertiseit has acquired a total of 25.35 percent of outstanding shares and votes in MultiQ, which together with binding commitments correspond to a total of approximately 71.95 percent of all shares and votes in MultiQ.
  • On January 26, Vertiseit held an Extraordinary General Meeting where it was resolved to authorize the Board of Directors to resolve on a new issue of shares
  • On February 1, Vertiseit announced the implementation of the new group structure and the launch of Grassfish updated brand platform

Vertiseit invites to an investor presentation where Johan Lind, CEO, and Jonas Lagerqvist, CFO, will present the company’s Year-end Report for 2021 In connection with the presentation, there will be an opportunity to ask questions.

Time: Wednesday, February 16, at 9 am CET.
Registration: For registration and instructions on how to join the presentation – click here – or visit where a link to the presentation can be found.

 Jonas Lagerqvist

Jonas Lagerqvist

Deputy CEO / CFO