According to the principles for the appointment of Vertiseit AB (publ)’s Nomination Committee, the members consist of representatives of the company’s three largest shareholders in terms of votes. The Nomination Committee consists of the following persons.
Johannes Wårdman, Chairman
On Johan Lind’s mandate
Adrian Nelje
On his own mandate
Klas Karlsson
On Vilhelm Schottenius, Oskar Edespong, Jonas Lagerqvist and Emil Kihlberg’s mandate
Principles for the appointment of a nomination committee
At each Annual General Meeting, a Nomination Committee shall submit proposals to the Board.
The Nomination Committee shall represent each of the company’s three largest shareholders in terms of votes or a group of shareholders who have formalized cooperation on Nomination Committee work as of 31 October.
If a shareholder waives, the offer goes on to the shareholder who is subsequently the largest.
Finally, waiver or notification of formalized cooperation is made to the company’s chairman of the board.
If significant changes occur in ownership after 31 October, the Nomination Committee may decide to offer a new owner a seat on the Nomination Committee in accordance with the principles above.
Contact the nomination committee
To nominate a candidate, or in case of other inquiries, contact the Nomination Commitee:
Vertiseit AB (publ)
Att: Nomination Committee
Kyrkogatan 7
432 41 Varberg